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Riverland Field Days

Site Booking

Marquee Pavilion

To make a booking in the Marquee Pavilion, select the date on the calendar and fill in your details on the form. All bookings are for the 2 days of the event.

Payments will not be processed until your booking is confirmed by our office.

PLEASE NOTE: Please allow a moment between changing each field for the form to update.

September 2025


Main Booking Details

If you would like additional team members to receive notifications regarding your booking, please add them here, one email per line.

Booth Packages

Booth packages are specialised site packages specifically for undercover sites that provide you the convenience of having your site set up for you prior to your arrival. Booth packages include one standard 3m x 3m undercover site, one 10amp power outlet, one trestle table and two chairs, two 150W spotlights plus a 3m x 3m x 2.4m high Velcro compatible 3-sided erected booth with your company name printed on fascia signboard over the front of the booth.

Booth packages for the Marquee Pavilion are
• $1,095 for bookings made before the 31st of June
• $1,120 for bookings made after the 31st of June

Booth Packages are not available after the 31st of July.

If you don't see the option to select a booth package here, make sure you have selected the date for the booking on the calendar at the top of this page.

Exhibitor Package

Your Exhibitor Package and passes will be held for collection on your arrival or can be posted to you on request. Please advise below if you require your package to be posted. There is a $5.00 fee for postage per package.

Exhibitor Passes (arm bands) are issued on a two day basis, comprised of two separately identified passes, colour coded for each day. To enter the Field Days site, you will need to present the correct colour pass for the day. Exhbitors will receive their passes included in their Exhibitor Package based on the following:

1-4 Sites Booked: 2 x 2 Day Passes
5-9 Sites Booked: 4 x 2 Day Passes
10-14 Sites Booked: 6 x 2 Day Passes
15-23 Sites Booked: 8 x 2 Day Passes
24 or More Sites Booked: 10 x 2 Day Passes

Extra Passes can be purchased as part of this booking below.

Site Requirements

Sites in the Marquee Pavilion are 3m x 3m. You may choose to share your site with other businesses. You also have the option to book multiple sites if required. Please choose your options below.

Shared Site: $50 for each additional business
Multi-Site: $425 per site ($395 per site if booked before 30/06)

If you have a preferred site, please add here (subject to availability).


Category for Event Program

Please provide a brief description of the products/services you will be displaying on your site. This is important to assist us in providing optiumum site location for your display.

The Riverland Field Days Program contains extensive information about the event and its exhibitors. To assist us listing your business in the correct category, please provide the primary categories you would like to be displayed under below.

Machinery Demonstrations

Machinery demonstrations are permitted on your site provided they meet strict safety standards. If you intend to provide machinery demonstrations, please provide the details below. Alternatively a demonstration area is available with prior booking through the committee. The committee reserves the right to refuse or halt any demonstration if it is deemed to be unsafe.

Additional Requirements

Goods Pickup Service

The Goods Pickup Service is a free service which operates over the two days and is available to all exhibitors. This provides a convenience for customers to purchase goods from you and then collect them from gate 7 when they leave. For tracking, exhibitors using this service will be provided a book of tickets in triplicate - one attached to the item of goods, one deposited in the goods ticket box and one kept in the book.

Please indicate below whether you would like to use this service.

Field Days Safari

The Field Days Safari is an educational, interactive trail for children to expore the Field Days with their parents, collecting items along the way.

This is a great opportunity for exhibitors to interact with a wider group of the public and promote your products. Safari sites are easily identified and well promoted.

For more information:
Emma Katsaitis
Rivergum Christian College
(08) 8583 2304

Premium Site Booking

Exhibitors now have the opportunity to secure Premium Outdoor sites on Central Boulevard and Pavilion Boulevard. Subject to availability, and additional Premium site criteria. Please indicate whether you would like to be contacted about our premium site packages.

Please Note: Additional Fees Apply

Business Partnerhips

The Business Partnership packages provide promotional activities aimed at attracting additional customers to your site. There is a Business Partnership package to suit all sized businesses. Please indicate below whether you would like to be contacted regarding a Business Partnership.

Please Note: Additional Fees Apply

Competitions or Games

Other Special Requirements


Promoting your business in our annual event program is a great way attract customers to your display. Your options for advertising are:

Front Cover Inside (Full Page / Full Colour / Glossy)
Back Cover Inside (Full Page / Full Colour / Glossy)
Back Cover Outside (Full Page / Full Colour / Glossy)
Centrefold (Glossy)
Full Page (Full Colour)
Half Page (Full Colour)
Quarter Page (Full Colour)

As the cover pages and centrefold are limited to 1 advertiser, please contact us directly to discuss.

Advertisements will need to be supplied for inclusion in the program no later than the 12th of July. Advertising space will be allocated on a 'first-come-first-served' basis, however we will do whatever we can to accommodate your requirements.

Whilst every effort will be made to ensure advertisements will be correct at the time of publication, the publishers and producers of the program will not be held liable for any inaccuracies. Please be sure to provide accurate proofed advertisements to avoid disappointment.


All exhibitors must hold current liability insurance for their exhibit for the full duration of the event, including during setup and removal.
The Riverland Field Days Committee has adopted a policy of Zero Waste at the Field Days. This means that we aim to recycle as much waste generated during the event as possible. We will place receptacles around the site for various types of waste, and ask that you assist us by carefully disposing your waste, eg cardboard, paper etc, appropriately. Cardboard boxes must be collapsed. There will be a cardboard pick up service before and after the event.
Exhibitors must ensure all electrical appliances and equipment used on their site is compliant with a current test and tag certificate. A Test & Tag service is provided on-site from Thursday and throughout the Field Days event. Information on this service can be found in the Prospectus.

Total and Payment

Please select a date first.

Transfer money from your bank account.

Pay with your credit card.


Executive Manager

Site Office

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